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  • Writer's pictureRebekka Strand

Debut Novel #Update Jan 25

Updated: Aug 6

I am in the middle of editing my first novel after receiving my editor's feedback.

What Have I Written So Far?

I am halfway through editing my debut novel, and to be honest it's been hard. Not because the suggested edits have been impossible to fix, or the feedback too harsh. The feedback is very respectful and necessary. It has been hard because of the amount of time I have to make these edits. We are talking about some substantial, mostly simple, changes across 300 pages.

And tips to a future author. Don't give yourself too short of a deadline! It creates a whole other barrier, and it makes it so much harder to start editing and to finish editing. Being overwhelmed is the biggest culprit when it comes down to procrastinating.

When I got past the first wall, the first barrier, it became easier. And although I am still struggling to get this novel ready to be pitched to an agent in time, I will not let that stop me.

Also, some of the feedback motivated me to keep going, that what I have written is a great story. Here are some of those messages.

"Oh my goodness, I was on the edge of my seat for the end of this chapter. Incredibly well-earned twist from you! I can’t believe X did this. This must be so horrifying for poor Kaia!"

"Oh my gosh! Your twists! They get me every time!"

Where Am I In The Process?

I am in between developmental edits and pitching for an agent. I know I know. I should self-publish, but since it is my first book and I am not very familiar with successful marketing, I felt I should at least try to get an agent. However, I might not get one, and although that will be a hard pill to swallow, my dream is to publish with TOR, I will keep writing and I will publish this novel.

What's Next?

I am constantly questioning what to do next. How to adapt to the pressure I am now feeling. Should I send my book to proofreading. Do I need Beta readers or not? Do I have the time? I am sure I will figure out how in the end. For now I am taking this journey day by day.

It is at least shorter time between when I publish my bookend now, to when I started writing it.

If you want to keep up with the big news, like the first peak at my book cover, the blurb, and good deals. Maybe you want to be a beta reader? Sign up to my newsletter.

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