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  • Writer's pictureRebekka Strand

Buy Shattered Ice Now

Updated: Aug 6

After three years you can finally buy Shattered Ice on Amazon on Pre-sale! How wild is that?


Cover art by Ethemos

It's been an incredible journey

If you are reading this and have been following my journey. You are incredible and I will be forever grateful for your support and belief in me as an author.

You can get Shattered Ice as a paperback and as an eBook. If you love an eBook you can get 20% off by buying it on Amazon for 4.79$. I don't know when the discount will be over, so get it now before it expires.

The concept art by Ethemos is the official book cover and is what you will get when you order a copy. I am so excited about how it turned out and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Shattered Ice.


Shattered Ice has NOT been officially published yet. But by purchasing Shattered Ice now you will support me in the best way possible. Let me tell you why. As a self-publishing author, there are only a few ways of making the best-seller lists. One of the best ones is to reach a high sales number on Amazon. And the way to get that is through pre-sales. Every purchase will boost the algorithm and help me make my dreams come true.

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